Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Summer to Fall

Fall is almost here full force, and I can feel it!  School begins just a week from tomorrow. For the last few weeks I have been taking time to lesson plan (homeschooling my youngest 2), create a new daily schedule, fill in the days in my calendar... etc.etc. Can I just say, I'm READY FOR FALL!!??

We have had an event-filled summer, and in the whirlwind have lost all sense of routine, planning, rhythm, bedtime... you name it! This mom has had fun, I admit, but the 'Type A' in me is just itching for life to get back into a routine again!

I must remind myself that even when things seem chaotic, we're creating life-long memories and traditions that the kids will remember forever (hopefully)!! So, I think I better do a re-cap some of the fun we got to have this Summer!

First fun thing:  a camping trip to Northern Idaho state to visit my grandparents, and play at Silverwood. Afterward, on our way home, we got to stay overnight in a hotel in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and reconnect with more family.

At Silverwood Theme Park

My Grandma & Papa, relaxing and watching the grandkids play.

- We had PLENTY of fun-filled days at the lake!!

- Lots of play dates at the park... and lots of play dates, period!

-  Picnics!

- An overnight trip to Grandma Gail & Grandpa Dan's (Micah's mom)

- A visit from our cousin Chiara

- Multiple day trips to Anacortes, Washington Park, and the Donut house!

- A couple of weddings, lots of baby showers, and quite a few new babies born to our close friends!

All-in-all, it has been quite a bit of fun!! Probably one of the best summers we've had so far! The kids are at such great ages, and all very enjoyable... so much easier to pack around now days!  What I will miss when the school year starts: having Cora's company around (we don't get as much time with her in the school year), laying in the sun, swimsuits, flip flops, being able to pack up and go to the park... and stay warm, and most of all having the option to be spontaneous more often!

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